Monday, April 25, 2005

First meeting of our board

Saturday, we had the first meeting of our advisory board. We looked over where the community was at presently and how we were going to move forward. I had thought that we were ready to set up an NFP and move the advisory board into the role of board of directors. This does not seem to be where we are at presently. We were also looking at acquiring one or more of the apartments coming available in our current building. However, while the rents are consistent with other rents in our neighborhood, we are simply not in a position to take on more apartments.
There are various considerations we need to keep in mind: the relationship between the community and the Church of Jesus Christ, Reconciler. Our landlord was at the meeting briefly and offered that when he sells the building (which he is planning to do in the next 5 years) was willing to give us rights of first refusal if we stayed in the building. This is another consideration are we to stay in the Roger's Park neighborhood?
There is much to discern as we work to follow God as a community along side Church of Jesus Christ, Reconciler, which now has its own questions of space for worship and recognition by the three represented denominations.
Pray for God's wisdom and discernment of God's timing as we move forward.

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